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Aug 2013
Born out of an unmarked grave
Molded from the dirt a slave
With eyes fumbling in the dark--

I feel

A sparrow trapped in my ribcage
My gifted little pressure gauge
Who though she pleads can't disembark

This vessel.

She pecks at my liver
convicts guilt while I shiver,
And ****** at my heart when I am numb.

I listen to her wings abeat
A flutter-***-drum so petite
It makes me wonder what I've become.

But a wimeywobbly found belief
I'm quite sure that time is brief
When unawares she'll break loose my chest

A treasure,

half a pretty penny for my soul,
Chamber unlocked, He paid the toll
Sparrow, my spirit...
                escape, you short-stayed guest
Stanza 1: references creation from the dirt, inherently a slave to evil with no clear sight or purpose
Stanza 2: introduces something not physical, a conscience of sorts that cannot leave the body
Stanza 3: as a person's spirit, the sparrow must convict wrongdoing (refers to prometheus's punishment and themes of pride/playing at God) and ***** the heart to empathy for others
Stanza 4: Somehow the sparrow has a connection to a person's fragile lifespan, causes soul searching
Stanza 5: the brevity of life is clearer and death is intertwined with liberation
Stanza 6: Matthew 10:29 "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care." Do the math. And know a soul is worth more than any regular cent, and the full amount has been paid to free it.  
Last line: Spirit and Body part as relatively short acquaintances
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