She said The ugliest things become beautiful on my lips She said My whole body is a mouth I think it’s because I was truthful I think it’s because I was useful She Did not exist But if she did, I would have tried to sell her myself As a customizable pre-packaged parcel Or some precious antique lost To be discovered, under-priced, buried deep in that section of the second hand store that everyone ignores Because god forbid you be seen shopping For used underwear But she would be discreet And I would be a surprise She would think That I was some great gift of serendipity That she’d always been looking for something just like me Not knowing that her prize was just one thing stolen From an entire house of antiques A house so ******* full of things that it will never feel complete A house where the potential buyer can never stand in doorways For fear of what they might see Where every room is replete with a full set of furnishings to give her the illusion that she might Love me
I am a different person for everyone that I meet And again on each day of the week My love history is a researcher’s notebook, documenting anomalies There is only one theme I’ve always fallen for those people with faces that always seem smiling I've gone about it quietly Because, secretly, I’ve always felt that that they were better than me I think it’s because they look like they know something I don’t It makes me love them It makes me forget how to speak, how to be Any functional version of myself around them Let alone create the perfect version That might make them fall in love with me
But I have been loved I think I have sold myself well And been loved well, one dimension at a time By all the wrong ones And still, it’s always a surprise I don’t do well with surprise So, with the excuse that I was unprepared for company, I only show them that room of my house Which I feel they will appreciate The one I won’t have to explain A brief overview of an interview with past lovers would reveal That I am a house of many changeable rooms divided by false walls That I am as many different people As I have been loved by And that just when each had finally felt that they’d started to know me I'd leave They'd say that everywhere you go in me, I am always burning sagebrush Trying to smoke myself clean
IV. The Truth.
I am too concerned with being known to be anything but in love with Myself Through the imaginary eyes of someone else And I am greedy I want to see and feel and be everything But the truthful way of saying that is just That I always feel I should be more than what I am And it consumes me Loving me would be lonely I have one of those faces that always looks a little sad A little mad And I think That there is too much of me that would have to be looked over, or forgiven, or explained For anyone to know all of me, it’s Too much to ask I make excuses like, who would want to do all that? But really, I’m just too scared to trust anyone with the task Of piecing together my smile, or loving the lines on my hands, Or forgiving me For all the things that I am Or think that I Should be