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Sep 2021
What A Crazy Time...
To Now Be... Alive... !!!

As Corona Vibes...
Are Now Causing Lives...
To Quickly Downsize...
In Ways NOT So Nice...
As People... DIE... !!!

It’s A Time Where Minds...
Are Being PRESSURISED... !!!

By New Guidelines...
From Political Tribes...
Who Are Known To LIE...
Pretty Much ALL The Time... !!!

But The LOSS of LIFE...
Suffering And Strife's...
Creating Blind Eyes...
To What Could Be Contrived... ?!?

In Times Like These...
Arguments Are Seen...
Because Some BELIEVE...
That This Disease...

Is A Very Real Threat...
To.... HUMANITY.... !!!!!

Because of News Feeds...
And Death Tolls Reached...
That Have NEVER Been Seen...

In The World Before... !!!

Well I’m NOT So Sure... !?!
As This Subject's Forced...
A Lot of DEEP Thought...
And... Verbal Wars... !!!

For Those Who REFUSE...
To Believe That It’s True... !!!

And Those Who Wear Masks...
As If They Will Be...
What Will Save Peoples Hearts...
From Dealing With Grief... !?!

These Days Are CRAZY... !!!
And Have Left Some Deceased...
And UNABLE To Breathe...
Through Their Masks Easily... !!!

Because of... Policies...
That Are Those That Are Driven...
By Political Breeds...
And Medics Submitting...

All Kinds of THEORIES...
So Now It's... VACCINES...
That They’re Saying We Need...

Well The Timing of These...
Seems A Little Off Key...
To A Guy Like ME... !!!

No UTOPIAN Dreams... !!!

Because What They're Saying...
Is That Corona’s MUTATING... !?!
While People Are Taking...

The Very FIRST Doses...
of Injections Quoted...
As Being... READY...
To Make This Thing CEASE.

From Being A Problem...
Past... TWENTY TWENTY... !!!

But How Can This Be...
If This Thing Is Changing...
So... REGULARLY... ?!?

So Now Folks Are Zooming...
To Keep Money Moving...
Through Technology...
4G... Or... 5G...

These Times Are Indeed...
For... Mentalities...
In Those Individuals...
Where Depression Creeps...
And Constantly Feeds...
Like Vampiric Breeds... !!!

... ******* The LIFE...
Out of Minds LOSING Sight...
of A Future That’s Bright... !!!

So The Future Looks BLEAK...
For People Like Me...
Who Are Artistically Driven...
To Now Use Things Written...
To... Maintain A Living...

UNLESS Your Positioned...
BEYOND Social Distance... !!!

And Levels of Thinking...
That Are Now RESTRICTED... !!!

Because They’re Conditioned...
To Use Lyricism That Deals In REALISM... !!!

And Rhymes Just Like These...
That Use... Poetry...

And FREEDOM To Be...
That’s Now Become Part...
of... TWENTY TWENTY... !?!

That Has BROKEN Hearts...
And Changed Life’s Design...
For Bodies And Minds...

In Ways That DEFINE...
That We Are Now Living...


..... “ CRAZY Times “..... !!!
Each day nowadays, seems to be becoming, more and more crazy
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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