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Sep 2021
Now Creativity’s A Thing...
That Fills Bows And Strings...
As Well As People’s Writings...

So I’m One Whose Creations...
Are Those Now Relating...

Views About News...
And Political Feuds...
That Now Are Creating...
Some VOLATILE Nations... !!!

Because of Issues...
That Corona’s Created...

Like Masking of Faces...
... In Various Places... !!!

... Societal Graces...
Facing Displacements...

Because of Arrangements...
DEMANDING That Spacing...
Is... NOT Just Created...
But Treated Like Patients...

Who’ve Caught This New Flu... !!!
That’s Created Street Feuds...
Over Masks Being Used...
And New Government Rules...

... Creations INFLATING...
Thinking That’s Confused... !!!

And Policies DRIVEN...
That Some Are Dismissing...
Because of Restrictions...
On How We Make Livings...
And Freedoms Once Given...

As Being A... “ GIVEN “...

To NOT Being Hidden...
Or Left To Submission... !!!

But Now Criticisms...
Are Creating Divisions...

As Life Is Transitioned...
To A Whole Different Vision... !!!
of What It Once Was...
When Freedoms Were Strong...

Well... STRONGER Than NOW...
Because of LOCKDOWNS... !!!

That Have Reached Global Towns...
And Created MORE FROWNS...
... Protesting And Shouts...

For... TRUTH To Be Found...
And Be Fed To The Crowds... !!!

Because Many Now Doubt...
That This Virus Is... REAL... !!!

Due To Things That Confound... ?!?
And Have Made People Feel...

As If...

It’s Been CREATED...
To CURB Populations...
From More Procreation... !!!

Because of INFLATION...
And Cash Regulation...
That’s Caused Limitations...
And REDUCED The Payments...
For Elders Now Claiming...
Retirement Money...
In Various Countries... !!!

To Me Something Smells Funny... ?!?

When The Retirement Age...
Is Something That’s RAISED...
MUCH MORE Than The Rates...
of... Retirement PAY... ?!?

While Coronas CREATED...
A LOAD of Work Stations...
Now NEW TECH Related...

That WON'T Serve The Elders...
Who’ll Face Debt Collectors...
When They CAN'T Get Work...
Because They’ve Been ******... !!!

By New Age Creations...
That Bear NO RELATION...
To Things That They Learned...
In The Years That They Worked... !!!

Creations Now Serve...
A Whole DIFFERENT Purpose... !!!

Will Now Feed World Nations...

So Who’ll Be Creative...
When Tech Becomes Stationed...
To... Carry Out Work...
That USED To Be Done...
And Controlled By Humans... ?!?

I’m Simply Relating...
Some Views On This Stuff...
That May Well DISTURB...
But Should Be Well Observed... !!!

Because This DISEASE...
Has Created And Feeds...

...... Societal Scenes......
That Make Writers Like Me...
Write Words Just Like These...

That Some Will Believe...

Cos' They're Just Things We FEEL...
That AREN'T Right FACTUALLY... !!!

But WHO Feeds Us The FACTS...
That Most Seem To Believe...
Set Us On The RIGHT TRACK... ?!?

... Media Teams... ?
Or These Internet Feeds...
That Feed... " CONSPIRACIES "... ?!?

Or Those Who Now LEAD... ?
And FORCE FEED Policies...

When... HYPOCRISY...
CLEARLY Feeds How They Be... !?!

Or These New Health Studies...
Run By... BIG Companies...
Where MONEY’s What SEALS...
What The Masses Should EAT...
Or Receive Like... VACCINES... ?!?

Well My Wordplay Reveals...
A Mind That Is FREE... !!!
To Observe What Is REAL... !!!

And Then Create Scripture...
Through Thinking That’s Written...
That’s... OPEN And FREE... !!!

To Speak... Poetically...
In Ways That Are DRIVEN...


“ Creativity “ …
It's such a wondrous thing, however, not everything that's created is done out of purity !
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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