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Sep 2021
democratized and somehow made literate...
that's the game...
yet... i'm prone to wishful thinking...
any thinking is welcome...
lately it is all shrapnel...
i can't get a narrative out of my "egg" even
if i wanted the chickens to goose strut...
step... strut...
i know what i'll write will be a banality...
i just write in order to recognise myself...
amongst all the flurry and ghosts...
i promised myself i would write something
without summoning
katakana, Hangul... Cyrillic...
   god forbid i summon the runes
or the Glagolitic script...
                fiery late Latin it is: in English...
even the Germans used diacritical distinctions...
                  um? at the hairdresser today...
ha ha... a fiery plump blonde of a spectacle...
talking about patriarchs...
coming to Ing-Land aged 8...
not speaking a word... of the native...
i said i had a mental block...
i didn't... i remember the trials...
the tribulation... but of course...
children are excused from all sorts of troubles...
my intake of stress dried up...
you're a kid thrown into the deep end of the pool...
not speaking a single word...
once you do...
                        PUMA... a label...
the difference of pronunciation
stuck with me...
"apparently" it's not PU'M'AH...
it's PEW-MAH: PEU-MAH...
                 she became so interested in my life
story: her seemed more interesting
to begin with... that she cut my hair into a...
makeshift Mohican...
oh English is hard to learn:
we have so many words that sound the same
but are spelled differently...
so i rejoiced:
to two too...

             being the wordsmith that i am...
English has plenty more fiddly bits
to gather... it doesn't take a Samuel Beckett to...
Samuel Beckett... because of WATT...
is more fun to read: fun to read because
it's so ******* frustrating than...

i will not conjure up the Korean script...
although i'm gagging to conjure it...
having just cooked beef ribs in a sweet...
Koreans love their sesame... don't they?
in a sweet sesame soy sauce...
the Koreans love their sesame...

i too thought it was weird: biTTer...
maMMal... doubling up of consonants...
but the Koreans also do it...
to hell with the ideograms of the Chinese...
who needs a ******* wall like that
when you have a phonetic encoding
akin to... turning chop-sticks into shoelaces!
no one is going to attack that!

it's like... attacking the Chinese ideograms
with the Western emoji...
or the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph!

i can stomach i can understand
the Korean Hangul...
or the Japanese katakana...
eh... Thai... Vietnamese...
it's not... oh i'll eat the food...
but the language doesn't... irritate me...

somehow... strangely... the day is complete(d)...
the moon is seemingly hovering
in a: disputed distance of 570...
the world is adjourned...
by some relapse into sports mentality with
the Ryder cup...
         hey presto... missing the hole
in yo ** **... highlands!
              gerbil attack: my second to none:
wish for praise...

the best "thing" to succeed Depeche Mode
had to come from Russia...
all "manner" of electronic music
had to come from Rye-sh-ah...

it truly bothers me, the ******* i watch:
you'd expect visiting a brothel would
leave you... "advantageous" enough to replicate
these... movies...
no... the prostitutes... i'll call them
prostitutes rather than ***-workers...
are... pretty much... uniquely: pristine...
terribly conscious with regards to personal
hygiene: i like that...

what i know and what little i know
i know best...
******* is...
well: i'm put off by most of it...
i need to scale it down to...
Italian classics... the idea of ****
horrifies me & my sensibilities...
the ******* i sometimes come across...
i rather snoop around some ***** flicks
to catch a drift of some tenderness...
but all that... face-*******
****... n'ah... it's not like i have
restrictions "guessing":
am i about to father a child?

in the good old days...
under the Roman Empire...
fatherhood of... the brood that wasn't your
own was common...
among the rich...
if i had the money... sure..
Step: Stephen... wholesome... moi...
but.... down the "lineage"?
of trickled down wealth?
n'ah... n'ah: ah...

Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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