They’re not my enemy but when I look and see a crowd of red hats screaming, ignorance blooming and seaming to overcome any sort of reasoning,
I wonder who are they and how did they come to be people who suffer bigots so easily? How do they let the greasy ****** con-men con them into hating other women men and children? How have they not learned their history lessons? How do fools gather more like minds to them, then abuse the innocent whilst using and confusing the voting populace?
In the past I thought I had this perfect proposition to position myself as an artist and arbiter of the truths kind hearts hold dear, but it has become crystal clear;
In observing I find uncertainty turns towards dark side Jedi knight philosophy but a little expanded when uncertainty leads to anxiety, and anxiety leads to fear, which then translates into hate, when one man comes to justify corruption, and cruelty in the guise of business suit wearing guys even when it’s just with lies they elevate and celebrate the pigs who make them feel great.