Yours truly bug buster Harris - August twenty fifth two thousand twenty one (at approximately 4:20 Post Meridian) felt nearly paralyzed, neutralized, limned, thus jump started travails, and went emotionally bust watching helpless and hapless critter, who I could faintly hear gently cussed, anyway said insect found savior in me, (an aging pencil necked geek), who sincerely felt his passionate adoration able, eager, ready and willing to sacrifice
mine measly existence eventually decades afterwards, these lovely bones would turn to dust, (a quicker outcome if altacocker chose cremation), yet prior to afterlife matter first order of business finagling, jiggling and lifting liberating confined within superfamily Cicadoidea insects in the order Hemiptera then quickly shutting window and screen
lest plague of cicadas conspired, fussed and invaded, cuz vicious rumor quickly circulated twittering, snapchatting, crowdsourcing, and buzzfeeding airwaves, if their harmless buddy NOT loosed into the wild, otherwise intrepid nature lover acquires dubious honor threatening innocent life form, her/his helpmates would gather an army - to rescue stranded
kinsman/woman predicated duty bound upon semper fidelis therefore steadfastness reigning quest they must be united on wings and prayer, whereby swarming horde would cover reasonably rhyming poet such that he resembles knight in dull armor coated with rust whose abridged poem dogmatically indubitably opportunistically vapidly trussed.