Lemme titillate thee regarding myself daily soldiering thru breastworks read out loud to experience where dangerfield lurks twenty five years a husband unknown marital perks bachelorhood to die for, cuz warp and weft courtesy webbed and wedded bliss incorporates life threatening quirks.
Hazardous beyond belief analogous crossing a landmine good grief ensnared yours truly mistaken for Baghdad thief.
Impossible mission to step up pace when ambling one room to another footfalls of generic guy approximating brisk, cuz one misstep could find me flat on back with damaged spinal disc worse fate than experiencing strong arms of law reach out his hands that frisk old meister wordsmith merely ventures innocent risk, yet may as well surrender self to Taliban, who would willingly whisk
Garden variety Caucasian American bloke afraid to tread amidst belongings strewn pell mell outranking rating tornado 5 courtesy enhanced Fujita Scale whereat Good Housekeeping ostracized spouse.
As precautionary safeguard, I carry amulet to ward off ill luck toward life and limb you bet, especially when gingerly taking one step after another with lights turned off owing steadfastness to prayerful debt intoned toward guardian angel to get self groping in dark without bifocals envisioning severely myopic (blind as a bat generic guy without spectacles) met bedded objective where menagerie of stuffed animals (albeit Woodstock favorite pseudo pet), which aforementioned Peanuts character called warm fuzzy as sobriquet.
The missus bursts out laughing, whom I damnably scoff at and berate as I trip head over heels cursing said spouse ever since first date at Tex-Mex restaurant in North Wales, Pennsylvania, a gut level intuitive sense - even then our sealed fate cursed analogously crashing thru Hades gate antagonistic altercations in actuality displaced suppressed anger toward parents, which father and mother (both deceased) their sole son of did hate for afflicting psychological trauma regarding them furiously irate doling out ultimatums interestingly enough comfort found within company of loving mate, she weaseled compassion evidenced by poetic prattle I prate, whereat ye can (of course) highly rate feedback I eagerly await.