every bridge that collapses is an abutment of hands and elbows tumbling over
every hurried step urgently taken out of the office pasture, is from a cow readied, conditioned and willing to get its **** pulled for the milking
every time I see them depart it saturates the pastoral painting begun during my youth, the base for the subsequent layers never dries
the picturesque manifest destiny propaganda of the early 1800's with "California " spelled on it. sit next to the paper with a bounty for put on native heads over a poster of the runaway slave
"the pursuit of happiness", that is the name of my painting but the underpaiting never dries
so much turpentine but it seems most people never arrive there, laboring at drugstore or at a big warehouse si
never getting to use the linseed oil
how savory some of us must taste I weep at this thought what is there not to weep for if life is still sold you and I headed like cattle