INCINERATE. To Ashes. Million bits of Nothing, Dissolving in the Wind. Burned and Passion carries forward. This ache and pounding Booming Louder Must break false chains That hold lips so tight. For what purpose lies in sealed lips? Information Forever Lost Unless Spoken. Fear no consequences, What could possibly happen? Many things will surface, Nothing left buried Or hidden... Heart aches, feels lost, Alone. That those feelings shown, Exist Within you, so Passionate. Those words... As Eye. Similarities Grow, To Me... See how this Passion Builds? Thought tear through haze into this Aching Belief. Recognize. See. I cherish it so. But will let go Learn to let go Because thoughts show This one thing where 'belief' is a comfortable word. The only thing to describe That black hole my thoughts lead to When on you. Somewhere. Known. Then the Foolish feelings grow Then your words float back Two Halves of a Whole... Is 'Marco' not echoing Loud Enough? So now these shoulders shrug, lip curled; indifferent. Suddenly confident, Just want facts known. Lips will move with steady Concentration Trying to communicate Truly.