If I can be somewhere At any given time, anywhere, I would like to be In the shop of coffee.
A coffee shop Bustling with the noises Of all ages. Alive with the aroma, Of a fresh brew Smelling also of the Baked bread, cookies, and cakes Is my favorite escape.
I think a coffee shop Is the perfect prototype Of all life. I enjoy looking at strangers and wonder what are their stories? A girl and a boy perhaps met here for the first time. A bunch of girls laughing their hearts out. A young romance budding in excitement. An old couple sitting together in silence speaking of the love of a lifetime. A bunch of guys after an exciting match Sitting here to cool off and relax Bringing in the boyish charm.
I love a coffee shop Especially the quaint ones With a local touch, rustic vibes And an old man. I love a coffee shop In the quiet corner, Or the city center.
I love a coffee shop Anywhere in the world Because I am happy in one.