when they were young they were brave i think of the love my parents gave and how they tried to teach us right to never give up without a fight how they would work multiple jobs to make ends meet to make sure we had clothes on backs, food to eat and they rose above their circumstances to make sure we always had those chances to be everything that we could be when you're a child you can't see the sacrifices your parents make how they love you after every mistake and they want the best for you because they know what you can do they were young when they decided to marry knew the world was theirs to carry and even when it felt like everything was going wrong they made things right because they were strong i think now that my brother and i are grown we see the true value in family and home my parents had little help along the way and when the whole world seemed bleak & gray they'd find that silver lining the sun was always shining when you have that faith that you were not meant to break and i'm so grateful for my roots