It’s time to go to sleep. It’s time to put the weary mind to rest again, and hope that it will wake once more to a fresh day.
Imagine dew drops. Imagine morning blessing afternoon, and imagine seeing it as if for the first time.
If this is what gets you through, then that’s alright. We’re all just meandering our way through life. It’s a pandemic of words, of empty promises, of sunrises that are more boring than spectacular.
There’s actually nothing to be said for living, any more. It’s not grand, or brave, or admirable. It isn’t even the only option, nor is it expected. But we — I — still need permission to die.
If I’m ending this here, then it’s up to you. The reader. If you would like to close this all down, I won’t hold it against you. Free me from these pages, and I’d be grateful if I was able. And if you want to forget me, to make me die twice, then make it quick, and don’t hesitate.
From a portfolio I wrote in third year of university, titled 'Infestation'.