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Jul 2021
i don't know how these self-help gurus with their videos... managed to... infest my self-d.j. prospects on youtube... oh... wait... youtube was gearing up for creating paid-subscription to compete with spotify... no wonder the algorithm went hell-wire... it stopped behaving like a thesaurus might... there were no new... alternatives... unless of course... some of us remember the need to buy a KERRANG! or a MOJO magazine to find out about... the lesser know... "neglected" artists on the music scene... you thought the music scene was bad... poetry is even worse! - but no... all these self-help gurus: it's like the hell i was told to inhabit for not buying any of their literature... i'll listen... eagerly... but will i take any advice? it's not a rhetorical suspense coupled with "probably": it's an outright negation: no...

take this example... some self-help guru: perhaps a gym bro or... whatever...
starts reading an article akin to:
'we live in a time where lust is glamourized and (true) love is made out to be shameful and boring...'
hence the brackets... is truth more of a noun...
or merely an adjective...
true-love... compounded...
no... that's conflated...
it's boring to tell the truth...
and that's also coupling with the alias: boring...
no... telling the truth is ineffectual...
lies are: weaving strands...
truth is: gravity...
                        people who don't escape into
reading or writing fiction prefer to tell lies...
what about my statuary rights
as a person concerned with...
the guarantee of a product...
i heard that the manufacturer provides...
a one year guarantee on the bicycle tyres...
but the seller steps in...
defending the manufacturer...
not the buyer... moi...
the manufacturer will be forced to answer:
i'm just left with a "smug":
oh... we're replace your tube: inflate it...
we won't charge you for it...
but we've seen worse tyres...
what... the ****?
and this world is atheistically: enough?!
if you're a rhetorician...
this world isn't enough:
this world is the least of all possible worlds!
it's a ******* primer!
that some god almighty... whether
he be demanded the ******* camel-jockeys
to take a critique of pork seriously:
pork as leather as shoe:
or belt...
  now we're talking...

- aside... what about the nobility of swans?
they are... noble... those creatures...
aren't they?
no talk of a duck harem imitating chimps...
the swans are noble because there's
a concept of a widow / widower swan...
how such animals pair...
without thumbs to stress
the posit of hammer or a... ******* igloo!

of the past two hours i've been "debating" with myself
the agony of a Tosca ****: opera in three parts:
freeing a ****...
a quasi-constipation:
not exactly high-and-mighty:
instagram me drinking champagne on a yacht
in Monte Carlo...
to-and-fro... first sitting the magnum opus...
second sitting... third...
Cheerio shrapnel...
fool you fool me... who's the fool all the better?
absolutely tortured by a ****...
at one point:
my **** started yawning some acid...
i treated it with some mint-caress fluid
of a tendering wipe...

the story goes...
the nobility of swans... coupling...
better me... not coupled to fakery:
i will not listen to the advice presented:
it's entertainment alone:
there's nothing practical about it...

- it's hard to find a meaning of life:
if, that's all there's to it:
meaning, counter: momentum alternative:
will... who cares about it being "FWEE"
at this point: a binding contract that
defaces death as a waiting game:
it's hard to find a meaning in life
when you only arrive at the crumbs:
by the end of the day that stretches
into the night...
if it's not come the genesis of day:
the zenith...
these meagre words come the 2am slot:
the nadir... are as "important" as they are...
hardly impotent: more... crazed raw
akin to the croaking of the crow
or the laughter of a fox...
because... in England... there are no wolves
to awoooooooooo!
we are best left to what remains...
clock tick-tock...
speak to me of wonderous cre-ah-tures...
akin to Walruses....
many fanged and -  sabertooth tiger
didn't take it up with the seas?!
here's a moustache to prove:
a family of mice living well inside of it...
like a bunch of Hebrews come
the expulsions of the people
from their Tenements...

the old maxim:
our people and the tenements...
your people: and the streets!
wasze ulice... nasze kamienice!

i might be the first to thirst bemoaning
the: export of the Jewry from Europe...
if i were anyhow Russian:
i'd be almost intact...
thank **** i'm not Russian:
but i'm certainly not glad
for the import of the gladly summarising
ladies of... she imposed an African
import of living ******...
i forget about anger about this point:
of cutting the mustard...
i'm more interested in horseradish
to begin with...
i have a maine **** with bramble seeds
and as i bite into his fur to get them
out; entertainment for the whole
worth of night...
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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