obviously she revised what i noted... apparently it was not Finnish enough... the Finns can umlaut their A: into an AA AA... troubled femme-fatale... i grizzly my thumbs and teeth on this sort of... a virginal approach...
as temptation ripped pious portière of starlight apart...
unveiling unholy holy of holies...
(do) you really need that extra acute E on negligee? i'm pretty sure the one would do... i'm a francophobe mind you... but even i have to stress this faux pas... it's becoming to look at bit like a ghost-limb... which is not much to look at: but... no... sorry... i might be pedestrian in my itch for "perfection"... pedantry... i don't think i'm being pedantic concerning this... although: i've heard this word (deshabill'eh) is an alternative to what you have just... butchered... beyond a worth of a butchers' cut of proper chops... no... it just looks wrong... sorry...
comment a day agoreplied on Blindfolded Crossroad So much for critiquing...this is criticizing, insulting and very rude...if you don't really have something better to offer, why not just walk on by rather than stopping by to spill your unfounded frustration, toxicity and venom here...you sure sounded as sorry as your comment and sincerely, I don't have time nor space for folks like you and neither will I tolerate your insolence! Reply by comment
comment 25 minutes agocommented on Blindfolded Crossroad thank you, mother... i'll just rearrange the petty idols to fathom your approach of tongue to better suit you... while i... *******... how better to appease you... dearest mother? you best scold me: dear mother... dear mother... i think you're a joke... dear mother ms. anonymous: now i think you're double the joke... thank you... dear mother... thank no one... thank you... mother: for your virginity.... thank you... dear mother... for the echo of wailing metaphors... thank you that you're sorry... oh: but dear mother: you have all the time and the space... aligned to mind this comment being... returned and read back and by you. x history Reply by private message
You said: p.s. you're such a woman... you have so... many... minor... obligations... i most certainly have to be drunk... to stomach an hour's worth of sober you... if not... no man would ever be so offended about... something this... detailed... only a woman might... it's a well earned giggle to find you so... wounded up... over nothing! please tell me you find yourself exfoliating erotica when slightly peeved... i'm only not a womanizer because i don't have the sort of money to spend that might allow me to be one... but... from where you're coming from: if i had... i'm pretty sure i could appease you... more than by merely a "somehow"......thank you, "mother": nonetheless.