Anticipatory anxiety put on high alert when the warden gave less than a week courtesy spluttering tone of voice she did angrily blurt nsync with her usual persona being wickedly curt treating us (myself and missus) like dirt gloating in our writhing adversity
poor, sharecroppers, no matter yours truly indigent no matter exhaustive effort I do exert to secure living income/wage, thus flirt with visions of illusions grandeur analogous to taut pulled belt girt tightly around psyche whereby temple hurt with unbearable agony rendering these lovely bones inert.
Grosse and Quade Management at 2 Highland Manor Apartments with Jackie Geiger at the helm finds yours truly afflicted with weak praise, cuz she left us (meself and the missus) in figurative darkness,
whereby I electronically bellow and shriek silently critiquing as if writing op/ed for Time magazine and/or defunct Newsweek perhaps under heading summarizing healthweek, which hypothetical issue possibly considered virtual collector's item and subsequently unreal antique.
Nevertheless said rich daddy's princess forewarned yours truly and spouse dated June 24th, 2021, quoted verbatim as follows:
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Harris Due to your recent annual inspection, we will be re-inspecting your apartment on Tuesday, June 29th from 11am-4pm. We will be conducting the inspection to ensure you are making progress cleaning your apartment, especially your kitchen and bathroom areas. We also want to keep up with eliminating your fruit fly issue in your apartment.
The above date came and went (as did two other recently lapsed dates), we never got notified approximately five year tenant logically concluded - and anger pent up inside furious enough methinks gross analogy when twenty eight National Guardsmen fired their weapons at a group of anti-war demonstrators at Kent State On May 4, 1970, now mine poem attains completion extent.