Grasping Power
Stop or go start with it activated or stalled with a simple motion
To think plays a part for notions to be set in motion and get a start
Thought is for not until passed into a hand, brought up then passed on, sand with cement, brick by brick built from a mind
Begins with babes and bottles to grasping a spoon, lessons many come in a hurry, sensations across the creases, melded into memory what is held now permanently felt
One to ten all begins, worldwide always universal, no language or rehearsal, first a wave then ties a shoe begin with something new, many lessons always inspired
Multitudes of ways to show an action, getting a grip, a lot to grasp, action reflects seeking reaction, often simple interpretation for what is meant
Literal and figurative, stop to start, thumbs up hip, flipping off quite contrary, soldiers or Sailor's salute symbolic, showing hate or giving what is desired
Fingers not single, help to hold rings meaning a heart sings, artist brush shares a journey with imagery, writer's pens help many more to transcend
Making melodies musicians rarely let fingers linger, finessing ivory's strumming strings, like magicians blindly catching hearts as they fall, their caress interpreted individually deep inside
Blisters tell a unique tale often centered around life giving water or food in a pail, farmers factories ships all have hands what they clutch is all they represent
Representation all-in presentation, What holds more memory's ******* of Peace or Stalin's fist, powerful or placid thumbs up for wonderful often open to how they are signified
Power of a Hand, hitchhikers roam, idly we skip a stone, deaf make a world audible brothers can lend a hand, truth with a handshake will still be shared with a friend
The first thought was simple but also naive not realizing it is the most represented thing in a world of expression or art, so this was actually quite hard because of over thinking what was a simple idea :)
Thank you for reading your thoughts are helpful. Peace. Rick