The question that comes up often to my mind is, when will I be good enough? the answer to this is quite tough for everyone is always leaving and the heart aches I'd have to be dealing sobbing for hours to finally releasing the agony it's causing
When will I be good enough? for someone to stay by my side and somebody I could confide to wipe away all my tears from all the tears that I cried who's got their arms open wide and embrace me tightly as I sigh
When will I be good enough? for someone to love me as much as I love them to take me for who I truly am face all the mayhem and stays ups with me until the AM
When will I be good enough? for a person to accept me from all the things from my past while they can share my present & future, to have a blast have memories made that can outlast reminisce it one day so it can surpass
When will I be good enough? where my flaws are something that'll make them love me more where my worst days will be the days they want to stay & listen to know what's wrong where the happy days would be days we could treasure together where my mean attitude is not the reason for them to go away where my dark side isn't just an excuse to leave me astray