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Jun 2021
You’d said need to find yourself
where at? the mattress on the floor?
at least you had your own bed
when you had your back against our rear door

You can fill your lungs with smoke and with tar
but hey,
at least nobody’s coming at you
with a discounted guitar

Does committing fraud bring you closer to tee?
if you had never met me I can almost guarantee
you’d be one of the desperate *******
wanting to buy my socks and then worship me

If you want to talk leagues
then you know where I’m placed
much, much higher
than a balding **** who continues to age

I wrap myself in gold
with everything that I do
I really look after myself
and you know that is true

You forget what it’s like
to taste the real me on your lips
not the last me that you had
but the one that liked your little man ****
Thomas Alan
Written by
Thomas Alan  M/Newcastle, UK
(M/Newcastle, UK)   
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