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Aug 2013
*******, its the apocalypse.
Survivors clothes full of rips.
Nothing but beans and blood stained jeans.
The occasional shambling zombie, blood thirsty and ripped to shreds.
I just wish they could be healed with meds.
I remember the days of plumbing and grocery stores.
Thats all gone know, and all we have left is each other.
You must band together to make it out there.
Or you will turn into a zombie that's losing its hair.
To survive you must trust but choose your allies wisely.
Some will back stab and some are true leaders, or maybe they want to be led by you.
Everyone has the potential to be a leader, but only few have faith.
To even survive you must be smart.
But being smart is just the start...
Isaiah Herpes
Written by
Isaiah Herpes  Ya mamas house
(Ya mamas house)   
   JAK AL TARBS and WonderLand
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