So it's scary I know that, And I think you know that too. Yet I want to say "but it's so much worse" and I can't because it isn't. It isn't so much worse It's just that words can only convey So much. It's hard I'm hurt I cried She died The sorrow The worst It's just that kind of Disconnect. A page break, a fourth wall, And in the stages of my mind, I can't play for you what I'm thinking And I don't expect you to do it in kind. I can only listen and hold your hand. Because all I want for you is joy. Not joy like Christmas Eve at age 6 When mommy made turkey And you can't help but giggle when you see that big box, From: Santa. Joy like, sitting in silence on the beach, Silent inside and out. Joy like, sobbing uncontrollably and pulling yourself together Because she treated you with compassion. Joy like contentedness, like satisfaction. Joy, knowing that this mess is just because you're Human.