TW SUICIDE why would i sleep through the only thing that seems to understand and console me? only to wake up into a world that's powered by our hatred as we put people against each other through competition for sport? i don't feel comfortable to compare and compete not in the godly gift of sunlight, but below the man made magnifying glass that we put just under our gods to place heat and pressure onto our people in hopes they break and burn or turn into diamonds sometimes it seems like man attempts to climb to a throne above a deity's realm as we move our magnification as we see fit over our own population of people just to watch as those cursed by man burn deep into their dermis all the way down to their core in such pain they can only see it fit to let themselves turn to ash and return to the earth to be consoled by their gods or just by their own soul in eternal solidarity i choose to be cooled by the stars of the night sky and in the moon to show me a love that i could never find in another human being but with each night i let myself be consoled the heat of days past builds on the last and daylight becomes hotter and harder to handle
does hell exist in an afterlife or were we already banished here?