There have been orientations I've attended that hit home, hard. Ones that were held in auditoriums, which brought outstanding projections. Of voice and talent, speaking to talentless voices that seek increments of the number ten. Tens of hundreds, speaking excrement. Cause ****, even a ten is divisible by the number two.
There have been orientations I've attended that hit home, hard. Ones that were held in back rooms, with walls plastered with common sense. Of apologies and service, speaking to employees that service apologies to miserable men waiting for change. Tens and hundreds, purchasing excrement. Cause ****, even the box that holds an engagement can be discarded.
Orientations are set up. They're made to entice and integrate, but in all actuality they're erroneous and agitate. They speak fate, but hinder the great. They mark you. Like I've previously stated: Orientations are set up. They're not a debate.