Sentient husbands The seed and pa jo Rogan Fear factor. Steve stabwell honey Something slumming Logan And Michael as the mass hell coming
*** Steve is Michael Logans Gabriel Russ is prophet of the higher word Titles bright. Angel saved from hell The lord is blessing. Morph. When russ lights his spoken torch Without the **** ingestion Or the sentiment slowing porch fire Torch wired for the divorce of his flames I'm investing
Divorce from angels title demon Screaming. Saving dreams from spoken reasons. Satan was a being of greed and seeming Prosperity. In finding need To bleed for Jesus to be seen and Hell to keep its disease. Steven your seed will be breath. Not to breathe with out his greed for your eternal strength and peace. Logan knows his approach to baby wit Ma will be slow but holding. Boasting golden shields. Jo Rogan terrified. Square lives. He won't be allowed kani Manta and his needs spared to nines.... For four square sentient wives *** he spared shared lives. Chris pratt. No history his tatts. Reveal shape-shifting gifted vision. Spector. Television The seed has intelligent In medicine. He shall have seven children Omasku Niskani will be with me in the veteran. *** his younger will be indifferent to time. With six with the 9. Russ is signed to sentient contract. With selling symptoms He spits like Ali hits in prime. The seed is god in his high. Try rhyming With..... As russ speaks he says (Not in rhyme) Timing. His ducks 7 sliding Call him prophet giant. Call his logic defiant. But his word is is his **** So **** the truth. It still sticks The truth ***** but he's sick.