The color green with drops of dew spreading on eternally The darker woods to meet the green over on the edge A meadow, dandelions grow waiting to be wished upon The insects crawl upon the earth not caring, knowing, needing She meets him here (in thought) too often situations running wild As in her mind he comes to her with only her upon his brain No other girl; reality can't touch her in the meadow His breath descends upon her close, her lips anticipate the same This wish this kiss electrifies with new decisions made and kept She sighs alone not knowing if his lips do taste of sweet or brine He himself becomes translucent, wavers, bends, and slips to nothing Only here where wishes come to be as real as flesh and bone Have two lips met so real to her and yet so obviously not Perhaps someday, even today, who knows the answer, no one does But for the moment she's alone to wish in fields of dandelions.