What becomes of a man who lost the will to fight? Who has laid down their blade because they have raised so many times for the wrong reasons Fought for the wrong causes, And slain for false ideals. Who's shield that was once vibrant and durable has been reduced to a piece of scrap metal, cracked and abused from wear and no longer able to withstand the punishment required to press on. What remains when tattered armor is remove and scarred flesh is exposed, the body refusing to mend battle scars and heal old wounds As testament to regret that has woven like a spell over his mind and heart? What is left of a soul that slowly is flickering on the remnants of brand and every attempt at keeping the ember burning by adding wood ends in failure because it won't establish itself on anything else while the deathly hollows of the wind continues to blow it out with the currents of change? How do you restore the fire to a man that has fallen?