I don't want to die I don't want to live Not if it means This cycle of hate and shame and fear and empty Repeated with reprieves Only to start again Halting life, spoiling love Spoilt Spoiled Ruined Rotten Rank Gut the festering system Start fresh Such a fatal design flaw No warning light No hard reboot Just life And death Here Or not Suicide Or suffering There's nothing fair in it Nothing human about it I don't want it Not the pain Not the shame Not the guilt Not the life Not the death Give me peace Give me reprieve Give me space to breathe Give me him and I'm happy Give me hope and I'll ruin Everything dies I'm not okay. It's not okay. It will be. But it's not yet. And it's shameful to say. To feel. To know. To burden. How is suicide an unnatural death When mind decides and mind is flawed Rid the problem Pain ends Ended Stopped Over Peace Quiet Reprieve Relief
Frantic and fragile and ******* exhausted. Broken and too broke to pay for repairs.