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Aug 2013
I was told at a very early age that I could do the very things I wanted to do.
Being young and foolish I spoke "I want to be Blue"
My parents laughed at me and patted my head
Told me to try something realistic instead
Before sending me off to sleep in my bed.

Years later, With more miles walked
With more things heard, with more words to talk
With more memories and thoughts confusing to me
I read a book.

"Am I blue?" It said, a collections of stories, a window to see through
Reading it brought my confusing thoughts to view.
And then I realized I am blue.

Blue in this sense meant that I had likings
Likings that were not ordinarily normal yet still in the realm of Normalcy.
It was the sense of I liked guys in the way I "should" like girls
In the sense I am more attractive to his golden curls.

I got to be blue, and still get to be blue, and forever get to be blue
Just not in the way I thought I would.
Second attempt with Am I blue? It is more tamed and calm and flows a bit I think. Probably will keep with it i don't know lol
Francisco DH
Written by
Francisco DH  21/Cisgender Male/North Carolina
(21/Cisgender Male/North Carolina)   
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