Copacetic: attempts of levitation Elevation to levels you did not wish for I ignored My truth in relentless ruthless pursuit of symbolic status demonstrating my supposed worth.
Copacetic: Severed the lock and opened my box of tools to set the rules for a game I had said I never wanted to play.
Copacetic: transformed myself conformed to roles that fit like satin gloves - if only in my own screenplay - Downplayed insincerity Role played authentic individuality.
Copacetic: gulping misconceptions and Mutually accepting regression to places we thought we had grown past and persistently masked our intuitions.
Copacetic: We departed - no verity given or received - with hearts decreased in clarity and size Our journeys lie ahead of us respectively- Collectively there's no decision but to scurry on our own ways And presently your days look quite different than mine.
Inspired by Brycical's suggestion of the word, you guessed it, "Copacetic," defined as "in excellent order." There's more than a dash of irony to the repetitive word; I found that trying to establish and maintain excellent order only induces rapid decay.