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May 2021
There is a moment when brown and yellow turns to a beautiful green
When once brown, dormant grass becomes a live carpet, it doth seem
The once frigid weather now slightly warm
The sun comes out, a world to transform
Great miracles it will soon perform

Tulips and daffodils push up out of the soil
To the beginning of spring, they are extremely loyal
Sunbonnets so yellow and stately
They absolutely make everyone amazingly happy
Our hearts they cheer so affectionately

Blossoms breaking from buds
A canopy of flowers numbering in the hundreds
Violets, blues, reds, purples, scarlets, and whites
Oh My!  It's at this time of season that my heart and soul delights
To see these extraordinarily, beautiful sights

Flowers of all shapes, sizes, colors, and smell
To my nose, a polithera of fragrances it doth tell
So much so, that my joy runneth over
Especially at the sight of a field of red clover
And also that of blue and purple lavender

Bumblebees and honeybees
On each delicate flower, these you will most definitely see
Their intricate bodies seen flying through the sky
Pollen so thick, it's a wonder they can still fly
They work together, in unity, to get their winter’s honey supply

Trees once stark, ugly, and bare
Their new leaves, with the world they will gladly share
With their shapes and sizes that will actually hypnotize
This dazzling display of beauty of each tree it will characterize
As with everything else in nature, they seek to harmonize

Lilac leaves so vibrantly green
Every leaf having its own personal sheen
The richness of each delicate and ornate flower
Brings a soul satisfying shower
Of newfound love for spring each and every year

Hillsides, desert, and plain
They always arrive after a drenching spring rain
Often showing their true color, through endless fields
As Indian paintbrush majestically dot these wondrous landscapes
A scene rarely seen as beautiful as these perfect wildflowers

Not to be left behind
To add to this great orchestra of smell it hath combined
My personal, favorite smell, it's own special odour it has lent
To the air, now rich with such heavenly compliment
Sagebrush's wonderful, heavenly, heavy, earthy scent

The embodiment of springtime
Which is all part of God’s eternal design
Is found in the birth of each newborn chick, calf, foal, piglet, and lamb
Perhaps this is why I am such a big fan
As each new Spring arrives, I become a richer man.

Written by:
Jason Cheney
May 2, 2021
Jason Cheney
Written by
Jason Cheney  52/M/Chubbuck, Idaho
(52/M/Chubbuck, Idaho)   
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