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Aug 2013
I know you're sad.
I know life has skinned you raw and raked you over the embers of despair.
But don't hesitate...
Dance now:
If not now, when?
It rains, the sky splits, the world heaves.
Dance now, because life will always hurt in the living of it.

You've lost, and the hole you learned to live with
But never to like
Echoes with cavernous emptiness.
Feel joy now, even if nothing is what you wanted it to be:
If not now, when?
Joy is brightest in the depths of sorrow.

The wolves circle, baying, and the moon glows venomous in the sky
It is dark down here
And you are alone.
Sing now.
Add your voice to the throng and raise up your spirit with theirs,
Energy and air and electricity in thorned ****** along your skin.
Let their savagery, their wildness
Wrap icy fingers around your heart
And fill you with the cold, clear freedom of loneliness.
Chorus with the wolves:
If not now, when?
Make your company of the land- one voice sounds like many when it rings off trees and skims frozen rivers.

Cruelty and disappointment abound
But life is vicious. It's true.
It is both hungry and beautiful,
Rough and gentle,
Like a tide that loves the seaside rocks smooth.
Love now.
Give your heart, however broken, scarred, or bleeding.
Give your heart fully and without fear.
Love now:
If not now, when?

Someone will always fail you,
Something will always hurt you.
Nothing will ever be perfect.
Stop waiting.
Be perfectly alive:
If not now,
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