It's the spice of life And the sweet bed Of he who is called death That made me wake up To behold and believe That one day I'll see Hes worth it to me
Just breathe I say, on my knees She'll be still and lie But she cannot see Her eyes stay remain shut At least that's what They want me to believe
It is sadness and rage That consume my days Time will watch you die And dark moves swiftly If it meant the world, Would you lie?
At the end of all told She is gone, all I loath What to do and where to be The possibilities are not me My fault, maybe true But now darkness, I know you
I was tricked into mayhem Madness my dearest It's time for you to rise Because at this man's heart lies A formidable truth "Contain, misuse, Drugs, abuse," Where is all the dancing Where am I
Oh, I see It was never meant to be I don't know if I'm behind But I know whats before me Simply cathartic And a dream to see