Here comes the drum of the unconsumed through mountains churning under burning moon from the open eye of a sky attuned to the stars in the mind of a magical loon
He sings to the rain; it’s said he’s rot in the brain, but the madman sees what the people flee; sees the thrum of the pulse of the ancient trees through the veins where the life flows of each lived thing
Cast their pain to the wind and he breathes it in and it drips from his tongue, and the earth drinks sin but the stars in his heart sparkle out from within, cause the madman transposes chagrin
In the haste of a world that unfurls by the sun neath the moon of the loon is the veil undone as he watches the stars turn an hour a tick by the fire whence transpires, his an endless wick
So, tho judge ye will, he cannot be killed for he’s traced all space with delightful trill tho an empty man, he has had his fill for the madman belongs to the moon