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Apr 2021
You cling so tight
Wanting to keep me as your own
As I get close to others you hold tighter
Growing jealous
But when I was yours
When no one else could have me
You didn't care
You didn't see me
You cheated and lied and ran
And I had to deal with it
Not seeing or talking to you for two months before you apologized
But if I don't text you for one week
You threw a fit
Because you are a selfish boy
A boy who has anger and feelings
I'm expected to care for you
While my anger and feelings are irrelevant
You want me to get on my knees for you
When you want and when I refuse
You call me mean
You! call ME mean
Like it's mean to put myself first
To be heard
To tell you to shape up or leave me alone
Selfish boy
Selfish boy whom I can't ignore
No matter how angry or the feelings we have
I stay
I talk to you
I care for you
I come back
Like I have never done for anyone else
I try to make you feel okay even if I'm not
I miss you when I'm not around you
My selfish boy
Written by
Nero  17/Cisgender Female/Colorado
(17/Cisgender Female/Colorado)   
   Leone Lamp
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