Written to my girlfriend, after a single rose I had given her managed to stay alive and flower long after it was supposed to die*
Our lives differ no less than from a flower What keeps us apart is it’s destined power A power that starts its life as a seed Seeking the light and the love it will need Ambitiously growing with hopes to one-day find A reason for living, leaving inevitability behind For a flower is subjected to a cycle of life Experiencing the inevitables of love, death and strife. Some flowers have a will power of their own To stall their cycle, having death remain unknown For when that flowers see’s something that it likes It will hold out for longer, no matter what strikes Like being brought into love, a flower holds out longer To see the relationship grow, and get even stronger Watching two people connect, with no strings attached Seeing true love unfold, remaining unscratched Satisfied it holds out, even through the death of it’s flower Pushing itself to stay alive, even if for an hour For it has hope for someone, so it must reply By showing us beauty in something, will never die Using it’s last bit of strength, to be optimistic It starts to grow again, as if it were mystic Leaving two lovers to be astounded by this miracle They put aside their differences, until they are wrinkled These flowers of course are brought to us by fate To show us beauty in our love, before it’s too late