I am laying on the bed as dust settled on the book near my window. I am breathing. I woken up by a call from my friend He is coming. He is on the way. He comes to me. He shares my thoughts.
Last day too he came like the other day. We were at the window. Popping out our heads. While having puffs of our last cigarettes.
He lives not in my world. It's locked with walls. He lives in the world of other side of walls. He is my connect to the external world.
Sometimes he brought me ****. A book of momentary happiness And recreation. And I play songs we like together, Or he speaks most of the time.
My room is smaller than my mind. My friend is not smarter than me. I have safe place for our mischievous.
He will be here in moment Lemme get up and wait up for him at our window. My friend from other side of the walls is coming.