I spent my time letting my hands die in the arms of my own body I broke the chains of slavery yet broke myself in the process I drank my spit with a dry swallow and discontent for what that meant My legs tensed and I, like most of the time, felt disgust with myself And though this was new and strange I’d known it for some time now and it wasn’t getting easier My eyes welled up but not enough to form a tear At least not at this point And my teeth grinding at the thought of what was happening to my body But again I said this had happened all too often And lastly I thought of my day And the whirlwind I was in that brought me to my own demise And I wondered why this has happened so often And each time a bit worse than the last or at the very least a horrifying reality My fingers felt different than my own and my depression from what they said Would be to blame but I thought of this much differently And not in the sense that i did not feel depressed Just in the sense that the only thing I knew how to feel was death Death of a self or a hand or even a time in place that I could not accept I thought that everyday must be like this And this is why I felt alone or rejected At wits end or neglected Why I felt like no one understood or like I was the only one standing in a room And even with no words leaking from my mouth My cintrivical force still beared witness to the pain that existed around me And though my confusion consumed me My eye began to shed a tear And my left knee buckled up And even though my right pointer finger was not to be found And ultimately made my teeth grind again at the thought I still was able to exist Even in this poem Even in this world I was here And the tear fell down my cheek And thinking of you made it fall harder The hardest thing I’ve ever experienced Was in the eyes of someone I’d described my pain to And their go to was to make me feel it again or some part of it to an extent Their first instinct was to let me relive it through them As if the pain initially was not enough to comprehend And that’s where I come to end This poem or this explanation That everyone has something to prove And if it cannot be done through them They will choose your pain as a way to regain theirselves in vein And to say this is a joke Well my only hope Is that you are not another to Let my heart be revoked Of its own truth