Unrealistically enamoured with you. As in, we are an unrealistic pairing. As in, if you ever /were/ to reciprocate my affection, we would both have to pray that my stupid crush-obsession turned into something real. As in, before you discovered how emotionally stunted and unhealthy I am. As in, maybe I can’t feel real things for other people, and maybe trying to touch you would only reveal you to be smoke. Unrealistic, unrealistic, unrealistic, unrealistic, unrealistic. As in, I think you’re wildly uninterested in me; I think I’m the opposite of your type; I think I confuse any type of fondness for a faint glimmer of hope; I think I should ******* give up; But I have an addict’s brain and it keeps chasing the idea of us round and around and around, wearing grooves into the earth. As if by doing so I can tire myself out of the idea. As if by doing so the cracks will bleed into reality. I think I should ******* give up.
To be read quickly and with a lot of self-directed irritation/frustration.