I sit alone Conjuring up metaphors with a sleepy mind as absinthe, poured into my glass reminds me of passion all heat and bittersweet it tempts me just the same
I wait for the sugar to dissolve the same way I wait for love Believing it will be sweeter and like love it only distorts my thoughts blurs my vision making my tongue thick But I have no use for words right now
The floor begins to sink
I feel self-conscience smoking my cigarette vulnerable Aware of the men in the room How their eyes follow intently the lines of my hand to mouth gestures Their appetites wetted the way my lips w r a p and f o r m Some obscene whisper Full and round I wonder if they've guessed my lipstick and ******* are the same perfect shade of pink I blow the smoke out and away They smile
Dark hungry thoughts join the fog around my head
The floor is falling further
A man stands next to me Insisting his attentions Pushing his body against my arm I look up at him and smile I know he will not force me to think clearly He pretends we've met before and I
I am the ice in his whiskey Melting slowly
Waiting to be absorbed against his lips between his teeth he will bite and crush me pushing me down inside of him He wouldn't even taste me A cool burn then nothing