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Apr 2021

Celebrates Easter, all around, the entire Christian world, on this auspicious day.

Kiddos enjoy the Easter baskets, eggs n Bunnies , in every corner curled, happy n gay!!!

For us it is a very very special day, it's memory with us will always, forever stay.

An icy cold day at Niagara Falls it was, in 1984; when we couldn't keep the cold at bay;

I impulsively requested a lift and met Leena and Grandma on this very special day.

Took us she around the falls, almost into Canada n to Grandma see, on the way.

Dropping us at our motel, after a sumptuous Italian meal, at a posh restaurant, she went away;  

Only to surprise us with a big Easter Bunny n basket, n gifts many; as in our room we lay.

At the desk, cancelled she the taxi booked; n back came early morning,  bright n gay

She first home drove us and with gifts umpteen loaded us; Santa on an Easter Monday !!!

At Buffalo airport, dropped us she when; overwhelmed we were and didn't even know, what to say

We thought never would we meet them ; never would we be able to come back, to see them some day !!!

But a relationship strong grew, letters n gifts lovingly exchanged we; visited them we did, one day.

Lovingly, a good morning n night I wish her, every morning n night, even today;

May in Heaven happy they remain; our dearest Grandma, Leena n Arlene I pray.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
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