still dulled between the eyes and with the random anonymousness of it all, coming into focus there in the shadowed room, a mix of legs and arms are in a tangle twisted, together their expectations sated-it is early morning as the light peeks through from the dark curtains slightly pulled back-to reveal the golden aura of anticipation coming to a conclusion which is a far cry from what remains of the disregard all the disorder, colliding within having been sustained throughout from the pulled back sheets bunched into a knotted pile; or the random lip stick stain left on the deflated pillow case; ashamed, while there on the tacky vinyl table top, sits two glasses, remaining half full, or keep in mind, the results of a random exchange of different denominations agreed upon- for all is silent save for the soft whisper of breathing, from the current occupants, then a clock alarm preset goes off each one retreats to their part of the room to gather up scattered belongings, to crisscross the room-absolved of a momentary lapse of guilt once they begin their exit from the room letting the door slam shut behind, to the elevator, as the bell rings, doors swing open wide, they enter and turn to face forward silent still as the doors close they stare straight, to the last thing their eyes will see is the customary paper sign, they left on the door handle to the maid a reminder that the room is ready for her caustic cleaning, for which the maid will make her customary minimum wage regardless even so, it is not her place to make any judgements on who comes and goes, for she only cares if she was left a minimal tip for the pleasant stay that was had and to make sure the room is put back into place before the next customer arrives