THE MAN WHO REALLY LOVES MANKIND We hear that man strives hard to attain faith to gain an easy mind and tranquil time, but as the second life is out of sight, You made it certain through Your divine acts.
Man sees Your work on earth and gets quite sure that Your unseen next life is wholly true. Your miracles on earth from then till now show that You are the Son of the great One.
You sent the Holy Spirit to Your men and changed them from scared lambs to men of deeds. He showed them when to act or to refrain as He does up till now when we are scared.
I hear His whisper clearly in my ears and His assuring words when things are hard. He is the Love between You and Your Dad, and He's Your Love mid man's flesh and his soul.
You cure what surgeons find hopeless to touch; You use Your holy men to do what man sees and returns to God when their acts help. No one has loved mankind as You have done. BY JOSEPH ZENIEH ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ____________