Suffocation experienced analogous to absent echocardiogram or electroencephalogram blip (Derek Chauvin - he of George Floyd infamy) iron maiden grip linkedin with psyche subjected to laceration courtesy cruel horse whip mine inexcusable (albeit clueless faux pas) family members living social in Bend, Oregon and Oakland, California did yip private information across cyberspace did zip.
Apology (ex post facto) extended regarding about mine guilt ridden conscience programming mental state think sufferable infinite jesting Möbius strip casting dark shadow of doubt looping along outer limits of twilight zone futilely shucking off emotional tailspin (kamikaze) fallout impossible mission unable to muzzle or thwart lout
who poetically blurts out simian old routine programmed erroneously heavily incorrectly peppers entire Hollerith or IBM punched cards yielding botched defenseless redoubt, when Yankee doodles dandy teapot short and stout convection currents trigger whistle Dixie when liquid piping hot a microcosm concerning plate tectonics across webbed wide world yielding necessary oomph to migrating trout.
Absent awareness flourished amidst ignorance sixty plus shades of gray matter hotly doth smolder and burn unbeknownst rancor did furiously churn when yours truly divulged he made aborted attempt to couch his genuine paternal care and concern lack of discrimination and judgment I did not (honest to dog) recognize nor discern.
Understandable blameworthy grievance against me, not granted app parent permission thus culpability I obediently yield words that sparked hurt now utilized to wield heft to communicate authentic love (cryptically coded) and hermetically sealed hopefully in due time mine discretion well healed.
Comeuppance generated desire to **** self awoke resolution to make amends bedevils this bloke who deservedly receives just desserts invisible hand doth choke living daylights, hence nightmare scenario I evoke.
Following objective forthwith pained papa doth aim constitutes feeble attempt made to reach out and accept blame reckless transgression to spout warrants claim if religious, thence within perdition
while still alive mine flesh set fire to flame analogous to burnt offering even that sacrifice considered lame imposed upon lovely bones, I cannot utter nor name one garden variety primate repurposed thru cremation his cruelty destiny will tame.
Awfulness permeates nerve wracked soul, because behavior concerning yours truly hashtagged boneheaded rogue (as easily attested to courtesy the missus), indiscriminately sharing sensitive information innocently celebrating their joys and sorrows concerning welfare of deux biological chicas which pathetic body, mind and spirit triage attributed to where fool rushed into where angels fear to tread.
No ambition, exertion, inspiration... arose these last few days melancholy grows a brief lull occurred, whereby lack of crafting poems or prose insync engulfed and teed off par for the course stainless steel pitch forked shows with mettlesome irony (perhaps witnessed by dearth of posting) finding me figuratively pitched upon horns of dilemma.
Far from human league, (more'n mark twain fathoms into deep purple troubled waters) I flounder amidst flotsam and jetsam mankind receding toward lost horizon adios at sea within Lake lachrymose moody blue foo fighting wretched beastie boy feels morose.
Subsequent diminution to write, nevertheless mustered aforementioned reasonable rhyme attempting to describe psychological plight thru arranging words, I take flight.