Mine’s a gun-based culture and shooting is my thing To my local firing range, guns and bullets I will bring I fire handsome weapons at the targets one by one Exquisite is the harmony of bullet, man and gun
Trigger finger twitching, my targets fill with holes The agony and ecstasy as I achieve my goals Its ok what I’m doing here. All my buddies say Its part of our rich culture, backed by the N-R-A
With many kinds of shooting range, whatever you’re desiring Just pick your favourite subject and get the guns a firing A synagogue, a classroom, a concert or a mall There’s moving targets everywhere (until they’re hit and fall)
A worshiper, a music fan, a child or the police A president, a classroom aid will hear the shattered peace I see them down and bleeding. They twitch uncontrollably Just like my trigger finger, we’re in perfect harmony
Triggers pulled, targets fall. Morning, noon or night You can’t stop what I’m doing, it’s a 2nd amendment right Mine’s a shooting culture. With my gun I get my say It can’t be wrong, cause if it was they’d change it. Wouldn’t they?