In today's world it is an eye for an eye
My simple question for this, “Why?”
Often I feel the desire to just cry
I thought that society had outgrown being a child
This upsetting thought seems so wild
For Christ taught us to be meek and mild
Why can't we live in harmony and in peace
Making many, many new friends with such perfect ease
Upon each special moment we should seize
The opportunity to grow
To the world we would definitely show
That hand in hand, together, a better life we could sow
New friends we would meet
A happier world we would create
Into plowshares, our swords, would we beat
This I don't understand
Why we hurt our brothers and sisters when they can't stand
Justice for all is my demand
White, black, brown, yellow, or blue
We all have our own special hue
For God created both me and you
His commandments we are asked to obey
It is not for us to disobey
This He had to say
That contention is the workings of the devil
It is nothing more than pure, unadulterated evil
If we continue to disobey, through war and pestilence, us, as a society, He will level
With my thoughts fraught with dismay
I turn to the babe who in the manger did lay
As once again I hear Him say
That we should have peace on Earth
It is something that we all deserve
I believe that it is time for a rebirth
Of old forgotten values
That Christ’s example should help us chose
To make amends, old habits and aggressions would we lose
To live as He would have us live
Family, friends, and neighbors, as if everyone was a close relative
Let this be our main focus; within us, our hearts and souls should it drive
Each one of us to be an equal, was His great quest, to this we should visualize
His dream for all of us today, we should realize
This earthly boat we should not capsize
We all need to lay hands upon the oars
When upon life's billows, we need to head towards the safety of those distant shores
And anchor ourselves once more to Christ's mighty moors.
Written by:
Jason Cheney
January 18, 2021