with my head up to the constellations I thank the stars to have left the mental prison where you still are. your rules you called the shots they twisted contorted like ****** up pretzel knots I smile to know I broke free from your web of lies.
your smile, your words, your notions they used to mean everything... now what? I see fun house mirrors, clowns with painted faces a circus of ******* takes the place of what once was.
I look at you with no surprise, no wonder no amazement like an open book like glass on gravity I smash you through the pavement. no matter the time no matter the distance your actions boil my blood seeping my dark energy like an enchantment.
why are you like this? why is this **** okay? like I didn't give the world and back for you to say I was doing okay. "pride is a sin" you said it once yourself back when I was little, now I'm no longer small I stand proud stand tall knowing if the tables ever turned the lessons you made me learn good to know I can only count on you to say "welp... **** it all."