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Jul 2013
I hate how easy it is
for her to just look at her scars
to talk about them
like she talks about the weather

'you're beautiful' I tell her
'thanks' she replies
'really. I mean it'
'I'm sure you do'

She sighs, fiddles with strings
I try to emphasize my point
tell her more. all the time
but daddy never told her
'you're beautiful'

I hate seeing her scars
little reminders
that at one point
I could not be there
to love and cherish her
tell her that she's beautiful

Maybe I'm being selfish
maybe she loves her scars
maybe she doesn't want them to leave
but maybe she's just being strong

I am not the judge.
from the perspective of a loved one.
Autumn Stone
Written by
Autumn Stone  Oregon
   Forgotten Dreams and sara
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