Age 4 starting school set the scene for the show The audience captive Unusual behaviours unraveling Raised voices trying to instill discipline and order Into an already chaotic confused , petrified mind Rulers on knuckles used Only to further exacerbate damage done Reward systems put in place To no avail Special needs teachers silenced !stunned !
All avenues exhausted still they are baffled The show goes on without interval I watch from the front row Wondering how they earned there caps n gowns They are all so blinkered Never looking beyond the school walls
I am part of the show too just more suppressed "no one notices me"! I draw a picture in my news book it's of children playing in the sun Next to their fathers grave the children are smiling holding hands happy I write my SOS message, it said" last night our dad died in a crash now we are very happy
It gives us an interval Mum gets called in questioned Denies all knowledge or understanding "She fails us"! ? I collect my brother at the gate We walk home back to dress rehearsals
Where anger, hatred, fear,discord,pain , condemnation, ridicule, chilling screams,hurt and a large buckled belt awaits No reason is given The show goes on It's the parents to blame