purfectual place this used to be ahh alas twas ephemeral as we divorced the queen we had a few kings then went quickly from presidents to puppets on the polepits always the lesser of two evils we have to vote in or the one whom will make the greatest effort to have you percieve they sling the cleanest mud and the way we are viewed like unto the episode where Elmer Fud finnaly kills the RABBIT KILLS theWABBIT KILLZ THA WABBIT Then feels bad doesnt know what to do with it and then sits and crys over it rabbit comes back to life and Rubbs Elmers nose it it uncles gettin paranoid afraid somethins wrong within big brother bully turnt his back on the enemy and currently playin puppetry with Johnny........ not appleseed John Q public I.E. we the people or are me and you not gonna not cut the strings and remain hostile individuals standing at a safe distance in contempt takin pride in whether u are democrat or republican as if thats where all this turmoil comes from and who recycles or pays taxes while we get fat which i know is a p o v while we dont see I to I Like we used to our species is diying and theres the question we all hide from if Uncle sam is playin us like puppets and the president is our main muppet then we can probly see pullin his strings the real humdinger is whos the top puppet master and for what or why timers ticken tiger better figgure it quick before we all loose our right hand