Friends meaning so many definitions, Really can be interpreted in so many ways, I can think of so many meanings of a friend, Everyone interprets friends differently No wonder the word is left so openly, Do you get confused by this word too? Surly there is just one meaning of this word-
Friends-Acquaintances. Friends-Friends with Benefits. (F.W.B) Friends- Friends. Friends- By text only. Friends-Social Media friends only. Friends- Long distance -International friends. Friends- One night stand. (O.N.S) Friends-Casual. Friends-Ongoing casual. Friends-Regular catch up’s-but only at events. Friends- Regular catch up’s only one on one. Friends-Equally balanced catch ups. Friends-No dating but showing interest. Friends-Not interested but acting interested. Friends-How can I benefit from having you as my friend? Friends- In good times and bad. Friends-Lifelong friends.
-How many kinds of friends do you have? I'm sure you can think of more!